Free Audio Meditation: The Journey Within

The Journey Within Myofascial Release Therapy Audio Meditation

How are you truly doing?

What is your current state of being and how are you dealing with these current times?

Through my conversations with patients and fellow therapists, as well as with my friends and family, some are making the most of these times, while others are feeling very stirred up, with fear and pain rising from more distance to your usual support systems.

As assistance for you to use during this unique time, I am gifting you a free guided meditation

This can help you manage your current state of pain and deepen your connection with yourself. All relevant details and link to the download are at the bottom of this post.

It may be helpful to first discuss an interesting topic: What is the Path of the Unknown?

This came up recently in a session as I was working with someone navigating her own life through her bodily felt sensations of anxiety.  She wasn't clear what she wanted and therefore didn't know which steps to take in order to move forward. She was being called to take her life one step at a time, moving along her Path of the Unknown.

She discovered she was on a pathway to develop patience and the ability to feel into herself each step of the way, while waiting for the guidance to be revealed. 

This seems to apply to most of us now, more than ever, doesn't it?

We have always been on a Path of the Unknown as none of us know for certain what tomorrow may bring. Yet, in recent times past, we seemed to have more of a sense of security in terms of what we could rely on moving forward each day. 

Now we are faced with more unknowns, and experienced a rapid change/removal of that security we relied upon.

How are we dealing with this?

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We have been facing unknowns about what is threatening us.

We are gradually learning more and more about it so that we can determine our safest behaviors. We seem to be in a time, more than ever, where we are concerned with and threatened by what is "out there" that could take us down. It appears the concern of our current situation is largely about protecting ourselves from that which is "out there" and what we might catch from someone else. 

Myofascial Release brings our focus to what is "inside of us."

When we bring our focus to what is inside of us, it adds balance to our situation. We can deal with what we are going through with greater calm and make wiser decisions for ourselves. We can make the most out of this situation and feel joy no matter what we face "out there."

I have been developing my expertise in the application of Myofascial Release for over 30 years. It is an approach that relies on patience. We listen and wait for the inherent timing of the body's wisdom and releases. The body itself carries its own knowing. The more we are able to tune in and connect to this, the more we can utilize this wisdom for our own benefit.

Looking inward does not deny that we also need to look outward at the world around us; however it does ask us to bring balance, and if we are only looking outside of us, we have no power to deal with our own inner situation and we often feel pain, anxiety and loneliness. We then become more controlled by what is happening out there.

What can we truly influence? Where can we have the greatest impact?

My work has always been to encourage the discovery of what is inside of us, as I have always felt it is where we have the greatest impact and influence in our own lives.

Take the time now in your life and do it on behalf of your own life!


Now, this is even more important than ever.

We can make a powerful difference inside of ourselves. Just knowing that it is OK to slow down, feel what we notice inside of us and listen for the Guidance to reveal itself is empowering. This is the shift from relying only on thinking to also relying on listening. This skill development is why my patient above sought my services.

Most of us have been given more time now to develop this skill of feeling into ourselves each step of the way and are confronted with our own ability to develop patience as we walk this Path of the Unknown. 

For those who want to use this time to develop more connective presence with their own body wisdom and hear the Guidance that flows through your divinely created body and soul, I am gifting you my Journey Within guided meditation. All you have to do is click here or on the button below to enter your email and you’ll get the audio download sent directly to your inbox.

This will take you on a journey through your own body and help you learn how to listen to this inner wisdom that exists in all of us.

It sometimes just needs a bit of time and practice to reveal itself!

This is for anyone who wants to embark on this inner journey as we all can benefit from this skill.It is especially for those of you in pain and not able to receive the bodywork that helps you so much. It is a form of self treatment.

It's also for you therapists to help deepen your ability to center yourself and become present as more and more of our patients will require this from us to support them as we move through these times. 

I also have a short video that I invite you to watch in order to preview the meditation.

I hope you enjoy going deeper into this guided Journey Within. Now more than ever we need to listen to the Voice Within, to find peace, balance and perspective.

Please share this with your patients and anyone who you feel can benefit from this now!

Simply forward the link to this blog post to anyone you think would benefit: