Treating Pelvis Issues with Myofascial Release

Reclaim the power to transform your life!

Do you have pelvic pain that no one seems to be able to understand or help? Do you want to discover the amazing difference in YOUR life that being more present in your pelvis will bring to you? Are you tired and wanting to heal without drugs & surgery?

If your answer is YES to any of those questions, then it’s time to explore Pelvis Wellness through Myofascial Release Therapy.

What is Pelvis Wellness?

Pelvis Wellness is the end result of your journey to feeling good being present within your own pelvis. Feeling stable to hold yourself, yet flexible to move and function as you need to get around in life as well as experiencing ease and comfort of flow in our digestive system as well as in relationship to sexual connection in the way we choose it. Have you ever thought about being in your pelvis for your own well being? Pelvis Wellness is living at peace within your own pelvis, for your own well being, not only to connect with another through childbirth or sexual relations but so you experience safety, security and stability for you in your own life.

Pelvis Wellness involves safely and non-invasively working with all of your tissues and your pelvic energy, from the feminine perspective of myofascial release at just the exact level it is ready to release.

The therapist begins by assessing your postural, bony and fascial alignment in different positions, your tissue texture and your tissue’s sensitivity to pressure and elongation to engage the most effective release process for you. This assessment occurs both externally and internally in the pelvis. This can be accessed vaginally or rectally and often both are necessary.

The internal pelvic structures are often more easily reached by treating internally. We have tissue inside the pelvis that needs to be addressed and is often contributing to the cause of your problems. We are encouraged to get these tissues evaluated on a regular basis and often these tissues are ‘played with’ but when are these tissues ever being treated? We pamper our faces, our fingernails and toenails, our skin and all other areas of our body and yet in this most sacred and important area, we are not receiving nurturing treatment. This is a very different experience than sexual nurturing.

Gentle, hands on myofascial release is applied anywhere on your body whether that be externally on your pelvic area, your low back or hip, your lower leg and feet or your abdomen, head and neck, shoulders, jaw, etc (get the picture when we say anywhere?) including internally in the pelvis.

The therapist also assesses how your pelvis is positioned and relating to all other areas of your body and how these other areas of the body also affect the pelvis. Many pelvic struggles originate at the pelvis but just as many originate in other areas of your body and the pelvis ends up experiencing the symptoms. If you are only receiving treatment at the level of your pelvis, this may be why symptoms are not resolving. Direct trauma to the pelvis is the most common cause of pelvic problems but many problems are simply absorbed by the pelvis from trauma occurring elsewhere in the body.

And conversely, Pelvis Wellness treatment may be vitally important to include in your treatment of any other long standing problems occurring in your body, especially if you have long standing jaw, neck or back pain or head aches. Often the origin of those problems are in the pelvic tissues.

If you have been suffering from pelvic issues or any long standing issues for very long, the pain & dysfunction cycle begins to engage a variety of emotional frustrations and fears from interfering with your life that can exacerbate the problems. These emotions actually get stuck in your physical tissues. Myofascial Release and Unwinding address these emotional holding patterns.

Pelvis Wellness Retreats

The Pelvis Wellness Retreat is for you to receive treatment relating to pelvic problems such as pelvic pain with known & unknown cause, incontinence, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, digestive problems, and so much more. The team of therapists @ Advanced Release Therapy is highly skilled to listen to your tissues and guide them to the necessary place of release. The treatment nurtures the possibility of opening again to find the freedom for which you have been longing.

Individual Appointments

Individual sessions can bring about a depth of value. I would love to assist you in overcoming these problems in a dedicated session of healing therapy. Hit the button below to be redirected to my contact page. Send me a message and we’ll discuss the best treatment plan for you.