What is Myofascial Release?

What is Myofascial Release (MFR)?

Myofascial Release is a safe hands-on, whole body approach to treatment which evaluates and treats the cause of your symptoms. The practitioner applies a variety of pressures, from heavy to light depending on your body’s needs, in combination with stretch and motion to release tensions and restrictions in your body. These restrictions create pain and stiffness making it difficult for you to move and prohibiting you from doing those things you love to do. Restrictions develop from trauma, repetitive stress injury, poor posture, scarring, inflammatory reactions and life stressors. MFR eliminates the restrictions, taking the pressure off of pain sensitive structures in your body allowing your body to function in an optimal state.

How do tissue restrictions form?

Restrictions develop from trauma, repetitive stress injury, poor posture, scar tissue, inflammatory reactions and life stressors. Restrictions in one area of the body can affect the whole body. These restrictions create pain and stiffness making it difficult for you to move and prohibiting you from doing those things you love to do.

What are the results?

MFR eliminates the restrictions, taking the pressure off of pain sensitive structures in your body. This eliminates your pain, restores healthy alignment and allows you to function in a more optimal state.

Discover the ART of feeling good!

Releasing pain – Restoring Health – Enhancing Lives   

 Call 928-821-3749


email Lori Zeltwanger to free yourself from pain